Saturday, September 3, 2016

Stone carvers world tour

The male beauties sculpted in stone and visible in today's museums, galleries, cathedrals, castles, churches, public monuments, parks and places, have a similar origin : a (large) block of marble or other stone, block that was extracted from the ground, in various quarries such as the famous Carrara, Volterra, and Pietrasanta in Italy, by famous or less known carvers and sculptors. And these cathedrals, palaces or public monuments as well were built using carved blocks of stone or marble.

Italy (detail - Architecture Allegorie -hard stone marqueterie - painting from Giuseppe Zocchi)

So here is a visual world tour of some of these carvers and sculptors, their tools, their workshops or studios and a selection of some marble and other stone quarries. Let start with some stone carvers, through photographs, old postcards, paintings, drawings, and even marqueterie with hard stone!

Italy (Architecture allegorie - this is an impressive hard stone marqueterie based on a painting from Giuseppe Zocchi - we will write more about him later on).

France - Bastia, in Corsica

Middle-age drawings:

 Russia - Moscow
 France - Amiens
Dated 1425

USA - Queens - NYC
 USA - Indiana - Limestone blocks, 1929.
 USA - Manhattan NYC, 1905
 USa - Washington, 1854
 USA - Prisoners in the State Prison of Massachusetts

India - Assam, 1920
 China - Guangzou, 1790
 Japan - artist Wada Sanzo, 1883-1967
Mexico - Diego Rivera drawing

Mexico  - Carl Pappe 1936


Sources :
Site de Pierres-Info  
Histoire des Arts et des Métiers