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Achille - detail - Achilleon Corfu (Greece) |
Achille is said to have been immersed in the Styx river by his mother, holding him by the heel, to make him invulnerable. Still a teenager, he wanted a short but glorious life. Hence his willingness to join his friend and lover Patrocle for the Trojan expedition & war. Both were recruited as soldiers.
After 10 years of fighting, he quit the war area upset on Agamemnon. Learning that his lover Patrocle died, he comes back to fight, but is hit by an arrow on his heel, and died.
The sculpture below shows the young Achille wounded by the heel. It is located in the Villa Reale, Milan (Italy) and was sculpted by Innocenzo Fraccaroli (1805-1882) an Italian sculptor, who won Brera Academy’s 1829 prize for sculpture.
Earlier, when Patrocle died, a tumb was built for him, and it is said he was already waiting for Achille to join him when he would die.
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Achille - Marble sculpture know as the 'Ludovisi Ares' - 4 or 1 BC. |
For the Greeks, the 'friendship' between Achille and Patrocle was of another nature. They considered them as lovers. And for them, this is fully demonstrated when seeing the deep sorrow expressed by Achille when Patrocle died. And his willingness of revenge.
The author Eschyle describes Achille mourning the death of his friend, celebrating the body of Patrocle, missing their past kisses... Platon, in his 'Banquet', through Phedre, says that Achille was cuter than Patrocle, and younger.
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The Dying Achilles - 1854 Marble by Filippo Albacini (1777-1858). Accademia Nazionale di San Luca (Italy) |
Another Achilles sculpture, still in the gardens of the Achilleion in Corfu. The Greek word is his name : ΑΧΙΛΛΕΥΣ or Achilles.
Below is the Pasquino group, where it is possibly Menelas holding Patrocle body. It is a roman copy from a greek original, located in the Loggia dei Lanzi, in Florence, Italy.
Below is a representation of Achille by Lycomedes, a bas-relief sculpted for a Athenian sarcophagius made around 240 AC. and located in the Louvre museum, Paris.
The Achille called 'Ares Borguese' (below) is dated 4 AC but there are several copies.
Below is a marble copy made during 1 AC. located in the Louvre Museum in Paris.
The one below is a copy made just after 1900, located in Chantilly (France) at Conde Museum.
Achille wounded by the heel also inspired the French sculptor Charles-Alphonse Achille Gumery, who made this one in 1850. This sculptor got the 'Prix de Rome', the 'Legion d'Honneur'. He is buried in the Montmartre cemetery in Paris.
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